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This supplement is amazing and the mixture of vitamins and minerals is perfect! Why is this supplement so good? Well lets break it down and go over the benefits of each individual ingredient.
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for life! Most of us will know that calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, but calcium also enables our blood to clot, our muscles to contract and our heart to beat. It is a hugely important mineral and everyday we loose calcium through our hair, skin, nails and sweat. Unfortunately our bodies can not produce calcium which is why it is so important that we get enough from our diet and supplements. If you are calcium deficient then your body takes calcium from your bones, this can cause your bones to become weak and make them easier to break. Dairy products are the richest source of calcium so it is very important that you are drinking enough milk or eating lots of other dairy products, But for some of us it is hard to get enough calcium from our diet so it is important to consider supplementation if you know you don't get enough calcium from foods.
Magnesium is very important for bone health and it actually works together with vitamin D to get calcium into our bones. This is why taking these supplements all together are hugely important! Because of this benefit magnesium can lower the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Not only is magnesium great for bones but it is also great for our hearts. Its been shown in medical studies that magnesium supplementation can lessen the risk of calcification within the arteries around the heart. Another area where magnesium can be helpful is that it can lower your risk of diabetes, as magnesium is involved in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism. Many studies have shown that the higher your blood levels of magnesium the lower your risk of diabetes. Diabetes is a horrible disease and everyone should do what they can to lower their risk of developing it. Magnesium can also help alleviate or even prevent anxiety as it is thought that low levels of magnesium can increase your risk of anxiety.
Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral and it helps the immune system fight bacteria and viruses. It is also important for wound healing, blood clotting and thyroid function. Zinc is hugely important to are bodies and we actually need it to make DNA. Unfortunately the human body does not store excess zinc so it is hugely important that we get enough zinc through diet and supplements. I personally eat a fair amount of red meat and fish so even if I didn't supplement zinc I probably would have enough zinc in my body from my diet. But people who don't eat much of these foods can run into some problems caused by zinc deficiency, for example hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, loss of appetite and impaired immune function. So it is clear to see that zinc is a very important mineral and we want to avoid zinc deficiency at all costs!
Vitamin D:
I could talk for days about the benefits of supplementing vitamin D and it is by far one of my favourite supplements. Vitamin D is absorbed into our bodies naturally from the sun and this is why it is so important that we all get as much sunlight as possible! But for some of us it is hard to do this, for example a lot of us work in an office all day and don't have access to enough sunlight and some of us live in countries where we could stand outside all day and still get no sunlight! So this is where supplementation comes in. If you know you are not getting enough sunlight then I very highly recommend supplementing vitamin D. So what are the benefits of Vitamin D? Well one big benefit of vitamin d is that it is involved in the regulation of our bodies calcium and phosphorus levels so it is great for bone health. Not only is vitamin d great for bones but there are a number of studies that show that it can help prevent depression and even treat depression. I personally noticed my mood start to increase within a few days of supplementing vitamin d which was a huge benefit for me. Another huge benefit of vitamin d is that it may actually slow cancer growth! It does this by helping in the repair and regeneration of cells and stimulating the death of cells that have been damaged by cancer.
So this is why I think this mixture of supplements is amazing and can be beneficial to a lot of people who want to improve their mood and overall health!
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