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What is fish oil?

Fish oil is basically oil that is derived from the tissue of oily fish. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which have many different healh benefits.

Health benefits:

Why is supplementing fish oil beneficial to athletes?

Omega 3 fatty acids have many benefits for athletes and bodybuilders, for example reduced muscle soreness and less severe DOMS. Some studies show that fish oil may also help with muscle strength and range of motion. These benefits can be very beneficial to any athlete trying to up their game and also for beginners who want to maximize their recovery time.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and many studies have shown that people who eat fish have much lower rates of heart disease. This makes supplementing fish oil a no brainer! Fish oils are incredibly good for brain health and brain function, in fact they can reduce the chances of psychotic disorders in those who are at risk. Not only are fish oil supplements great for the brain and heart but they also can improve liver function and inflammation which may help with reducing the amount of fat you have in your liver.

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