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What is Calcium?

Calcium is a mineral your body needs to build and maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Almost all calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth, giving them structure and hardness.

Health benefits of calcium:

Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may have benefits beyond bone health: perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is important to take calcium with vitamin d as vitamin d helps calcium get into our bones. It is so important to make sure that you are consuming enough calcium via diet or supplements as our bodies do not produce it and we loose it through our hair sweat and urine.

Why is calcium important for Women?

Calcium helps support this fast bone growth. Calcium is important during pregnancy, particularly for women 18 years and younger. Bones are still developing at this age. Young women need calcium to support their own bone growth and their baby's.

Recommended dosages:

The average adult needs 1,000 mg of calcium per day. The amount increases to 1,200 mg per day for women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 71.

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